Demonstration of new, novel and cost-effective biomethane production solutions and pathways


SEMPRE-BIO is a European project funded by the Horizon Europe programme, arising out of the need for European Union independence from Russian natural gas imports (REPowerEU).

The aim is to diversify biomethane production technologies and reduce production costs. The consortium, consisting of 16 European partners from 6 different countries, will research and implement technologies for the production of green H2, biological methanation of biogas and syngas, cryogenics and the recovery and conversion of biogenic CO2.

The biomethane produced will be used in three different ways: for public transport (bio-CNG), for injection into the natural gas grid and for heavy transport (bio-LNG). A business plan for the operation and replication of the processes will also be drawn up, with an estimated decarbonisation potential of over 200 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year.

Duration: November 2022 - April 2026
Coordinator: Cetaqua Barcelona
Aigües de Barcelona, CRYO INOX S.L., DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum Gemeinnützige GMBH, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Inveniam Group, Propuls, Sintef, Terrawat, TMB, Universiteit GENT, Universitat de Vic, BIOGAS-E, Innolab, Naturgy, NV De Zwanebloem

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